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PRESTige Inductory workshops
PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION AND ENHANCEMENT SCHEME FOR TEACHING (PRESTige) There will be a series of online Induction workshops through Bb Collaborate for staff wanting to make an application
Latest Tech News
PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION AND ENHANCEMENT SCHEME FOR TEACHING (PRESTige) There will be a series of online Induction workshops through Bb Collaborate for staff wanting to make an application
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented with many challenges for students and staff working in Higher Education. Whilst some of the challenges may be unique to our position in the institution, there
Westminster's Learning and Teaching Symposium 2020 - an update from the Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation (CETI) This year's Learning and Teaching Symposium, will now take place online. However
The 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2020) on June 21 - 25 2020 in San Luis Obispo, California, USA, will be an innovative and interactive
On Friday 25th October Dr Celia Popovic, Associate Professor from York University, Toronto, Canada facilitated a workshop on the use of LEGO as a teaching resource. The aims of the