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  • Marketplace: Ideas for Learning Communities

    Marketplace: Ideas for Learning Communities

    Have a look at the MARKETPLACE to see the ideas emerging for learning communities. If you would like to establish a new learning community or join a community then the Marketplace is a good place to start. There are already some great ideas emerging, as colleagues from across the university have been putting forward suggestions for…

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  • Students as Partners conference at Wilfrid Laurier University

    Students as Partners conference at Wilfrid Laurier University

    Shivangi Shah I started working as a Student Partner Ambassador at my university with my amazing colleagues, Fatima, Kyra, Mellisa, Lauren, Rifa, Matheesha and Afshan! As a part of my role, we had started to do research into SGD’s and partnership mainly. While we had been conducting a lot of theoretical research, we were still…

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