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  • RAISE conference at Sheffield Hallam University

    RAISE conference at Sheffield Hallam University

    One of the most exciting experiences about being a co-creator is attending conferences. This is a good opportunity for students and staff to network and to expand knowledge. It also enables students to learn beyond their field of interest (for me it is biomedical science). RAISE (– Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement) 2018 is…

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    Aliquam nec lorem rhoncus leo ullamcorper sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin et massa laoreet, egestas leo sed, convallis neque. Pellentesque facilisis quis nisl tempus fringilla. Aenean non imperdiet risus. Morbi porttitor odio ac sollicitudin elementum. Cras convallis, lectus et suscipit mattis, lectus leo gravida leo, vel bibendum quam…

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  • SEDA Webinar – 21st March 2019

    SEDA Webinar – 21st March 2019

    Professors in Preparation 21st March 2019, 14.00 – 15.00 #ProfsinPrep   Becoming a professor is not easy but for some reason becoming a professor in teaching and learning appears to be harder than most. Part of this is because there is no consensus about what a pedagogic professor looks like, and part of this is…

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