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  • English Language and Teacher Education in Cuba

    English Language and Teacher Education in Cuba

    Wednesday 12 July 2017, 2–4pm Speaker: ISORA ENRIQUEZ O’FARRIL, Pedagogical University, Havana, Cuba Title: THE RENOVATION OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TEACHER EDUCATION IN CUBA The talk will describe the basic changes and […]

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  • Authentic Assessment

    Authentic Assessment

    The University of Westminster is committed to offering authentic teaching, learning and assessment modes. Furthermore, our Assessment and Feedback Policy states unequivocally that all courses will incorporate authentic assessment approaches.

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  • News from the launch of the CTI

    News from the launch of the CTI

    The Westminster Centre for Teaching Innovation was formally launched in March with a celebration event. Colleagues from the University of Westminster, other HEIs and partner organisations were welcomed by Professor Roland […]

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