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MOOC: Inclusive Learning and Teaching
Announcing a 3 week MOOC course on Inclusive Learning and Teaching Environments: Explore the barriers experienced by disabled students in higher education and learn how to overcome these barriers through inclusive […]
Delso Batista: The coloniality of knowledge and decolonising Psychotherapy
Host Kyra Araneta speaks with psychotherapist and PhD researcher Delso Batista about his study on the experiences of Black, Brown and immigrant psychology students in Portugal, exploring systemic racism and coloniality in higher education. The episode also discusses decolonizing psychotherapy and the power of storytelling.
CETI Conversations on Education Research
CETI Conversations on Education Research Sarah Chan You Fee, CETI Support Officer, February 19, 2021 The Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation (CETI) will be launching a series of Education Research […]