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Student Engagement: Evolution and Future
In the month of June this year, I had the chance to attend the International Institute on Students as Partners at McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. The conference was attended from delegates […]
Marketplace: Ideas for Learning Communities
Have a look at the MARKETPLACE to see the ideas emerging for learning communities. If you would like to establish a new learning community or join a community then the Marketplace […]
Huanyu Huang: Researching feminist movements in China and decolonising the media
Host Kyra Araneta interviews PhD researcher Huanyu Huang about her journey into academia and her thesis, Speak in Women’s Way: Online Feminism Movements and Social Media Impact of #MeToo China 2018. The discussion explores feminist narratives in China’s #MeToo movement, its global context, and the role of media as a colonial tool, concluding with reflections…