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Huanyu Huang: Researching feminist movements in China and decolonising the media
Host Kyra Araneta interviews PhD researcher Huanyu Huang about her journey into academia and her thesis, Speak in Women’s Way: Online Feminism Movements and Social Media Impact of #MeToo China 2018. The discussion explores feminist narratives in China’s #MeToo movement, its global context, and the role of media as a colonial tool, concluding with reflections…
Collaborate on Marketplace
If you have an idea or topic for a learning community which you would like to explore further with colleagues, use the Marketplace to generate discussion. The Marketplace is a space where you […]
University of Greenwich Open Lecture series
As part of the University of Greenwich Open Lecture series, Tansy Jessop, Professor of Research Informed Teaching at Solent University, gave an Open Lecture titled ‘”At home everywhere and nowhere: the […]