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  • English Language and Teacher Education in Cuba

    English Language and Teacher Education in Cuba

    Wednesday 12 July 2017, 2–4pm Speaker: ISORA ENRIQUEZ O’FARRIL, Pedagogical University, Havana, Cuba Title: THE RENOVATION OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TEACHER EDUCATION IN CUBA The talk will describe the basic changes and […]

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  • University of Greenwich Open Lecture series

    University of Greenwich Open Lecture series

    As part of the University of Greenwich Open Lecture series, Tansy Jessop, Professor of Research Informed Teaching at Solent University, gave an Open Lecture titled ‘”At home everywhere and nowhere: the […]

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  • Course-level design: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    Course-level design: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    Your programme specification should clearly set out the course team’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). Ideally, there should be a statement indicating specifically how the course has been designed to ensure that any barriers to success are recognised, and steps taken to remove them.

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