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Cross-Discipline Collaborations: Project 1 Title Sequence 2017-06-13T14:02:34+01:00

Home Forums Marketplace Cross-Discipline Collaborations: Project 1 Title Sequence

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  • wadeb
    Post count: 1

    Greetings one and all,

    I am a film technician based out of the Harrow campus and I am very eager to not just start up a discussion about cross-disciplinary projects, but to actually act on it as well! There have been some great precedents for this set up in the past, but I feel what’s really lacking is a project with big exposure and promotion.

    Because my background is in film and I feel I have a lot to offer in this area, the first project I am proposing is a short yet stunning title sequence. This collaboration will start out primarily with the School of Media, Arts and Design, but we hope to grow our community in the future to include other disciplines around the University as well.

    At this point we are just hoping to get the ball rolling and start some discussions with interested parties. The hope is that we can put everyone’s work, no matter how big or how small, up on the screen to showcase. In film it all comes down to the little details. Costumes, sets, props, etc. are all things we have the potential to create at Westminster and I think everyone will walk away with something to share and be proud of.

    If this first project is a success I think it will open the door to more collaborative ways of thinking, including cross-disciplinary practice across the University. And if we can really promote this with the diverse talent we already have available, it will put us leaps and bounds ahead of other universities who are not willing to be as creative and adventurous.

    We appreciate any thoughts and suggestions while we build this community.

    Thanks for your advice and input.



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