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Supporting students across academic boundaries 2017-08-30T11:21:45+01:00

Home Forums Marketplace Supporting students across academic boundaries

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  • kimmitp
    Post count: 1

    I would like to start a community focused on transition at academic boundaries. In my experience there is not enough emphasis on how best to support students as they progress to a new level of study. The group would focus on research on how best to achieve this, and the development of learning tools aimed at transition and I would like to work with colleagues (and students) from all Faculties/Colleges. This would align well with the current university teaching and learning strategy.
    While transition across all academic boundaries is important from entry to HE onwards, two in particular stand out. First from level 4 to level 5 which tends to be a major leap towards developing students who are independent learners and where students often struggle to adjust. Therefore such work may aid in student retention. The second is entry to postgraduate study but particularly for those students who have not studied in the UK before. The lack of formative assessments at M-level may place our overseas students at a disadvantage.

    Funding would be required to develop the learning tools which I propose are provided online. Additionally, this may be an opportunity to develop a KTP and work with education technology companies. I’m interested in using active learning and gamification which could be incorporated into what is developed.

    Post count: 1

    Hi Patrick,

    I would be interested in helping with this (provided I find the time). Please let me know of progress, etc. I can contribute to the gamification aspect, the transition from Level 4 to Level 5 and also with the technical aspects of the project.

    Best wishes,


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