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THRIVE (Thought-Rewarding-and Inclusive, Value-Led Education) 2017-06-12T21:40:07+01:00

Home Forums Marketplace THRIVE (Thought-Rewarding-and Inclusive, Value-Led Education)

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  • desilvd
    Post count: 1

    THRIVE (Thought-Rewarding-and-Inclusive,value-Led Education) aligns directly with the Inclusivity and Flexibility priority theme set out in the University Learning and Teaching Strategy 2015-2020.
    The community aims to convene an Inter-University group committed to innovative and inclusive teaching and learning, sharing and gathering of existing good practice, facilitating dialogue and exchanges.

    The main focus will be to create an Inclusivity checklist which could be used at the Course Design and Validation stage (a list of Alternative assessments for different modules incorporating subject based Competence standards). Furthermore, it will engage Westminster staff with inclusive
    and innovative practice through hosting internal and external speakers, focus groups and student based focus groups. The community will organise faculty based workshops to discuss the Checklist for Course Design. The main output will be a checklist for inclusive Course Design.

    The Inclusive Course Design Checklist will enhance the existing T&L strategy; Inclusivity will become a distinctive feature of the Westminster experience; this will be reflected in better standing of the university TEF score as well as improved student experience of our diverse student body.

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