Join Advance HE Connect

In January 2019 Advance HE completed a three-month consultation with their members on how they could provide a more sustainable infrastructure to support the sector’s networks, including at subject level. The consultation reached over 200 individuals representing 96 institutions from over 14 countries and 28 different disciplines.

The results of the consultation demonstrated there was a need for Advance HE to develop a new online platform with three clear functions in order to support the community:

This has now been developed and the platform has the functionality to host forums, join events, create and engage in group spaces and collaborate on projects for the purpose of enhancing practice across higher education.

The creation of group spaces that include live feeds, discussion forums, project spaces, as well as resource sharing areas, will mean members will have access to share, connect and collaborate on projects within disciplinary, thematic, research and member benefit networks across Advance HE’s global membership base.

Advance HE would like to invite you to join their exclusive online network, Advance HE Connect, specifically dedicated to the higher education sector.

Advance HE Connect will be free to those that work for one of the 350 institutions who are a member of Advance HE, Fellows and NTFs. If you are a member then you will have received an email inviting you to join.

In addition to this, AdvanceHE are inviting anyone working in HE around the world to join Advance HE Connect for free, as long as they sign up before 31 July 2019. If you would like to join then please contact

By | 2019-06-10T13:13:27+01:00 June 10th, 2019|Categories: Announcements, News|0 Comments

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