Learn to code
A Westminster Learning Community
The ‘Learn to Code’ community is a group of practitioners, lecturers and students, teaching or learning programming. The aim of the community is to share best practices around the Teaching and Learning of coding.
One of the outcomes of this community, is the development of the ‘Learn to Code‘ web programming application. This application contributes to the learning, teaching and student experience at the University and in particular the computer science discipline. The application has been developed to support our large cohort of undergraduate students who enter with a diverse range of qualifications, competencies and educational experiences. Their use of the application will promote their developing skills, competences and contribute to their academic success.
This application is a digital Web-based learning resource and available on any device (computers, tablets and smartphones) enabling students to be mobile learners. Students can use the web application as a self-learning tool outside the University. It is composed of:
- Lessons and videos to support learning of key programming concepts.
The lessons allow students to switch between the three core programming languages taught at Level 4. This allows the student to compare the differences in syntax and includes interactive areas where students can experiment with the code and view the results. The lessons and videos are being tested with student participation and will be incorporated into all Level 4 core programming modules from the 2018-19 academic session. - Real-time code visualizer. The code visualizer analyses code entered by the student and shows graphically in real-time the flow of the code. It enhances learning by enabling students to view a graphical representation of their code, thereby understanding how code flows, and appreciate the processes illustrated by using the application. Students are able to modify the content and view graphically the effect of the programmed manipulation. The code visualiser has been incorporated into the teaching of all Level 4 core programming modules, allowing all students within the department to benefit.