You are here:-Opportunities for recognition and professional development
Opportunities for recognition and professional development 2017-04-05T13:45:34+00:00

Opportunities for recognition and professional development

The Centre for Teaching Innovation champions learning and teaching and the many opportunities across the University that support professional development, exchange, dissemination, reward and recognition and the building of a successful CV. These include:

If you are seeking a career pathway in the higher education sector within a teaching-focussed route you will need to take advantage of a variety of opportunities to develop your profile and expertise in teaching.

This might include taking advantage of local teaching and learning grants to support teaching evaluation and interventions, conducting larger research studies, attending conferences and symposia and getting involved in teaching and learning networks and events, such as those listed on our events pages. Making your findings public provides important knowledge exchange, and practitioners sharing their scholarship can become informal leaders of change, building a reputation and influencing the practice of others.

Westminster Learning Communities, with their focus on scholarship, pedagogic research and the promotion of teaching and learning, will also provide an exciting way for you to get involved in a teaching innovation and enhancement culture.

There are teaching-related roles across the university which you might have an opportunity to get involved with or to support such as:

  • School Director of Learning, Teaching and Quality.
  • Learning, Teaching & Quality Representatives.
  • PRESTige Advisers
  • Chairs and members of Validation and Review Panels.
  • Course Leaders and Module Leaders
  • Personal Tutors and School Senior Tutors
  • School Employability Coordinators
  • Mentors

Consider how you can connect with others and seek out professional development opportunities, for example:

  • Cross-faculty or cross university forums that bring people together
  • Join or start a Westminster Learning Community 
  • Ways to share your ideas and innovations with other colleagues informally
  • Provide resources to be showcased on the CTI website
  • Become a mentor to a colleague
  • Participate in peer review and observation processes
  • Become an academic lead for a Students as Co-Creators project
  • Use social media to demonstrate your teaching achievements such as through staff blogs, your online profile and twitter
  • Organise, attend or present at networking events, conferences, seminars, workshops and lunch and learn sessions.
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