Pedagogic Research
Enhancing teaching through scholarship, research, and innovation.
CETI enhances educational innovation at Westminster through research, scholarship and strategic collaboration.
Our Aims
The CETI aims to enhance the currency and effectiveness of teaching through a commitment to and valuing of:
- Pedagogical scholarship
- Research
- Publication at Westminster.
This commitment supports evidence-informed practice and encourages innovative teaching methods.
How does CETI enhance teaching through research?
CETI facilitates pedagogic horizon-scanning and research development, offering structured opportunities for individual and collaborative engagement. Critical reflection on learning and teaching is central to professional development at Westminster.
Advancing Pedagogical Excellence through Strategic Collaboration and Research
The Westminster Learning Communities play a key role in supporting pedagogical scholarship and research. By actively participating in pedagogic research, CETI is well-positioned to apply for research funding, coordinating bids to support projects that benefit both students and staff across the University and beyond.
Our Focus
CETI is focused on building a strong external profile for Westminster’s pedagogical scholarship and research. This includes fostering collaborations with other higher education institutions and enterprise partnerships.
In collaboration with the University of Westminster Press, CETI is developing new avenues for disseminating pedagogical research and practice.