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A Westminster Learning Community

The checklist is a self- development tool which gives colleagues a report on how inclusive their practice is and also offers a list of resources for further self-development.

The checklist was successfully piloted with newly validated MSc courses at WBS. See testimonials below:

“Many thanks for sending the  Inclusive Course Design Checklist, this was most useful and helped us identify those activities that we had already incorporated in our design and express them in a more explicit manner”.
“Most useful, we wish we had the checklist at the pre-validation stage!”

Other achievements by the Community in the past three years include:

  • Delivered a session at the WBS Learning and Teaching Day, 21st June 2018; Delivered Inclusive Course Design workshops  for colleagues in June 2018; Delivered a session at the Westminster Learning and Teaching Symposium, 26th June, 2018; Delivered a session at the International Conference on Inclusive Universities in Salzburg, 18/19 October, 2018;Delivered a session at the Swansea University Conference An Inclusive Experience for Disabled students in Higher Education in May 2019;Being Westminster Inclusive Course Design became an intrinsic part of the University of Westminster Access and Participation Plan 2020 -2025.

If any colleagues are interested in contributing to the community or have any questions, please get in touch with Daniela,

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