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Learning & Teaching Symposium 2017: Call for contributions

This year’s Westminster Learning and Teaching Symposium takes place on 22 June 2017 and the theme will be Innovate!

The Westminster Learning and Teaching Symposium is your opportunity to share innovations; contribute to debates, and build networks and collaborations.

University of Westminster staff are invited to submit abstracts for presentations (15/20 minute presentations and leading 10 minute discussion) and academic posters to frame debate around issues and practice-points that are important to you.

Suggested themes (we do not intend these to be restrictive):

• Innovation through Learning Communities: creative and collaborative learning environments and practices – within and across disciplines and partners
• Innovations in assessment and feedback to drive learning efficiently and effectively
• Innovative pedagogies, innovative practices: why innovate?
• Innovating through digital technology and mobile learning
• Innovating for Inclusivity – inclusive learning, inclusive institutions, inclusive ontologies
• Innovation as learning – students as partners
• Learning that Matters: Education for a Changing World
• Innovation as a critical practice

Abstracts should be submitted via the Learning and Teaching Symposium google form. Your abstract should include the context in which you are working, how your topic is relevant to current debates, and your key discussion points. If your abstract is presenting practice-innovations or research you are also asked to summarise how impact will be/has been evaluated.

Please submit your abstracts by 28 April. Acceptances will be notified by 12 May. If you have any trouble accessing the google form please email

Look out for up-dates here on the Symposium programme including keynote speakers, and themes for discussion forums and how to contribute questions.

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By | 2017-02-28T08:38:56+00:00 February 28th, 2017|Categories: Events|0 Comments
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