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Course Leader Forum 2018-10-09T14:16:01+00:00

In 2018 the CTI oversaw the creation of a Course Leader Forum for all Course Leaders at Westminster.

The role of the Course Leader is a key role in developing innovative and high quality approaches to learning and teaching and enhancing the student experience. In recognition of this, Roland Dannreuther and The Centre for Teaching Innovation (CTI) ran a series of Course Leader Forum launch events in January and February 2018. Attendance was excellent with Course Leaders from all five Faculties present at one or more of the launch events.

At the forum launches, Course Leaders discussed and provided feedback on the following three questions. Subsequently the feedback was collated and forwarded to the attendees and Senior Managers.

  • How can the University help to support you as a Course Leader?
  • What tools do you need to help you in your role?
  • What useful role can the Course Leader Forum play in supporting you?

The first Steering Group Meeting for the CL Forum, was held in July and identified the main priorities for Course Leaders. The Steering Group is now looking at how these priorities might best be addressed via events and networks and signposting to resources.

The terms of reference for the steering group include:

  • To support the career and professional development of course leaders.
  • To promote internal networking amongst all course leaders; build internal contacts and form relationships for future sharing of best practice/collaboration.
  • To provide a cross-Faculty forum for all course leaders at the University of Westminster and increase communication between course leaders and professional services.
  • To foster continuous professional development opportunities for course leaders so as to improve the quality and impact of course leadership.
  • To provide sources of information on the CTI website.

If you would like to get involved in the CL Steering Group activities, please email the


Masked Ball with a Difference

 On the 17th January 2019, Course leaders attended a masked ball with a difference to explore their leadership styles.

Marketing Event for Course leaders

On the 13th February 2019, Course Leaders attended an event to explore the marketing capability of their courses and were able to meet members of UoW Marketing Team.

Here are the links to the presentations:

On the 25th June 2019, Peter Bonfield hosted a very successful afternoon tea with Course Leaders.

In December 2019 a Festive social event was held for Course Leaders

On Thursday 27th February the Course Leaders Forum held ‘The Art Of Course Leadership’ opened by Sal Jarvis PVC Education.


On Wednesday 29th April the Course Leaders Forum Steering Group hosted a very successful event on MS Teams entitled ‘Building Compassion in Course Teams’.

Areas covered during the event were:

  • Compassion in Higher Education – Kathryn Waddington
  • Leading and working with teams compassionately & Building compassion in course teams – Lisa Matthewman (Chair of the CL Forum Steering Group)
  • Developing self compassion – Justin Haroun

Those attending found the event really useful with links to resources and many interesting ideas and tips for both self compassion and building compassion within course teams.

See PowerPoint for more details

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